Ramadan Food Basket Distribution Project

Dhamar - Sana'a - Ibb
German-Yemeni Relief and Development Association

Enjaz Foundation for Development, with the support of the German-Yemeni Relief and Development Association, implemented the Ramadan Food Basket Distribution Project. The project included the distribution of approximately 100 food baskets to beneficiaries in the Capital Secretariat of Sana'a. The project outputs focused on the following:

  1. Targeting all families listed in the surveys
  2. Finding a nearby and well-known location for beneficiaries
  3. The basket was suitable as food items that comply with the World Food Organization standards
  4. Taking preventive measures for the implementation team during the implementation of the project to prevent the Corona virus
  5. Implementing the project on the date specified in the contract
  6. Uploading some documentation photos to the supporting party on the same day of implementation

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