Civil Society Organizations Governance Program supported by the German Agency for International Cooperation and implemented by the Raneen Foundation with Enjaz Foundation for Development : In the first phase of the program, two round tables were held. In the first, civil society organizations were met and the level of governance in them was measured, their knowledge, and what difficulties they face. In the second-round table, government agencies were met and the topic of government and the organizations’ need for a guide was discussed.
Then, a round table was held in the presence of representatives from civil society organizations and government agencies, and the draft civil society organizations governance guide prepared, discussed, and presented to the attendees was presented.
After that, 10 civil society organizations were trained on the guide from several governorates, with each organization training 10 civil society organizations within its geographical scope, which are (Sanaa - Aden - Ibb - Ma'rib - Hadramaut).
Training outcomes:
- Providing 10 trainees with governance skills and helping them apply them in their organizations.
- trainees 10 from 10 organizations were trained on the use and application of the governance guide.
- Preparing governance plans for 10 participating organizations.