Rural Resilience Report 2 Building a Classroom Al-Hodeidah Al-Zahra District

Al-Hodeidah - Al-Zahra District - Al-Kharaba Village

Enjaz Foundation for Development implemented the Rural Resilience Project (building a classroom), which plays an important role in improving education for the displaced since the beginning of the war. The project included about (350 males/320 females) and the project objectives focused on the following:

  1. Enjaz Foundation for Development rehabilitated and restored Al-Mithaq School by removing the old and corroded wooden roof for three classrooms and replacing it with a reinforced concrete roof for the three classrooms a retaining wall for the foundations of the three-classroom building, as the classrooms had an old and corroded wooden roof that did not prevent rain leakage. making it very difficult for the students. Especially in windy seasons.
  2. The Enjaz Foundation for Development built a classroom in the village of Al-Kharaba that complies with the basic standards as the village of Al-Kharaba was struggling with the displaced and a large number of families went to Al-Kharaba because of the war The number of schools and classrooms in the area was not sufficient to accommodate the newly displaced people, so the Enjaz Foundation built classrooms and each of the following stages was completed: (Construction works - cladding works - tile works - paint works - front paving works - doors and windows works - sanitary works - electrical works - metal sheet works)
Rural Resilience Report 2 - Building a Classroom Al-Hodeidah Al-Zahra District

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