From the womb of suffering, creativity is born Laqia neighborhood Mrs. Naseem Ahmed

From the womb of suffering, creativity is born – Laqia neighborhood – Mrs. Naseem Ahmed

From the womb of suffering, creativity is born – Mrs. Naseem Ahmed

Nassim Ahmed is one of the most prominent women leaders in the Laqiya neighborhood. Nassim works as the president of one of the civil society organizations, which is the Aram Foundation. Nassim is a person with special needs, but her disability was not an obstacle to her work, passion, and giving to her community. Since her first participation in the project, Nassim has worked to add a lot to her team and strengthen her skills. What she gained from the training in the project was her ability to deal with conflicts that occur within her neighborhood and how to solve them.

Nasim’s neighborhood was suffering from several problems, and there were several proposals for a matrix of needs and projects that they needed to work on in order to meet the needs of their neighborhood, but the priority was for two problems: It is the accumulation of construction waste throughout their neighborhood, and the second is the problem of the lack of lighting, which causes many problems in her neighborhood, most notably kidnappings and assassinations. Despite the limited capacity and the tight grant budget, Naseem and her team worked on the principle of community participation, as the people of the neighborhood participated in removing waste and installing lighting.

This project contributed to alleviating the suffering of people, especially school students, as construction waste was accumulating along the school fence and was posing a danger to children going to school because it contained solid and glass materials, etc.

Success stories of the Be Influential project

A ray of hope and security – Abdel-Bari neighborhood

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