Together for a better neighborhood Al-Alfi neighborhood

Together for a better neighborhood – Al-Alfi neighborhood

Together for a better neighborhood – Al-Alfi neighborhood

Al-Alfi neighborhood is one of the neighborhoods that is famous for its lack of water. This neighborhood has two camps located near it (Zahra Khalil Camp – Police Camp). This doubled the families’ need for water and put pressure on the available resources, in addition to the exploitation of some influential people by providing large pumping machines and thus selling water to the residents, while most of the residents of this neighborhood are of limited income and poor families.

There is a well near the neighborhood that was built at the expense of a philanthropist, but disputes always occur at this well when getting water, as many men and women stand in a long line, and some families are forced to make children go to fetch water and drop out of school.

The project that the participants from the Al-Alfi neighborhood presented was to build two water tanks along approximately 50 meters and 100 meters of this well to reduce the pressure at the well and reduce the distance so that residents who travel a distance to reach the well, although the capabilities are limited, the people The district worked to participate in bearing some of the costs, especially labor costs so that they could provide two tanks with the grant money.

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